This position was reached 201622 time(s). (Embed a link)

Statistics for this position:

  • A: Played 100285 times (49.74%)
  • B: Played 85257 times (42.29%)
  • C: Played 7472 times (3.71%)
  • D: Played 4406 times (2.19%)
  • E: Played 3790 times (1.88%)
  • F: Played 212 times (0.11%)
  • G: Played 92 times (0.05%)
  • H: Played 77 times (0.04%)
  • I: Played 13 times (0.01%)
  • Other marked points: Played 4 times (or less)

Choose "tenuki" to change the color to play.